Melissa McCrery


Meet Melissa McCrery

The Businestry Expert

Melissa is a multifaceted professional and serial entrepreneur, with experience as a success coach, leadership development and businestry expert, as well as a power-couple consultant to high-performance couples. She is also an author and the founder of The Higher View™. Through her various thriving communities, Melissa provides industry-leading coaching and consulting for both personal and businestry development.

The Numbers Don't Lie

Divorce rate among christian entrepreneurs

  • A study conducted on entrepreneurs found that entrepreneurs face a higher risk of divorce compared to the general population, likely due to the added stress and demands of running a business.However, christian couples who have a shared mission and purpose have the lowest divorce rate among entrepreneurs. This suggests that having a shared sense of purpose and values can play a significant role in the strength of a marriage. 

You will never be a failure if you choose to always win or learn.

– Melissa McCrery

Making A World Of Difference For Women & Couples

1. What do you think is the biggest mistake a person can make as an entrepreneur?

The biggest mistake a person can make as an entrepreneur is waiting for everything to be perfect before starting. This can lead to missed opportunities, delays in launching and an overall lack of progress. It is important for entrepreneurs to understand that no business or idea is ever truly perfect, and that it is better to take action and make adjustments along the way than to wait for everything to be in place. Additionally, taking action is the only way to gain feedback and learn what works and what doesn’t.

2. What are you most proud of in your life so far?

One of the things I am most proud of is building a successful business without sacrificing my marriage or family. I believe that it is possible to have a fulfilling career and a strong personal life, and I have worked hard to create a balance that allows me to do both. I am proud of the work that I have put in to create a business that is not only successful but also one that allows me to be present and involved in my personal life. I have learned that by setting boundaries and being intentional about my time, I am able to grow my business while also investing in my relationships with my loved ones. It has not been easy but it has been worth it, and I am grateful for the support of my family and team that have helped me to achieve this balance.

3. How do you define success?

I define success as fulfilling one’s divine design and purpose while remaining balanced in life. To me, success is not just about achieving financial or professional goals, but also about living a life that is true to who you are, and that aligns with your values and passions. It means living a life that is authentic and meaningful, and that brings you joy and fulfillment. Success also means being able to maintain a balance in all areas of life, such as work, relationships, health, and personal growth. It means being able to find harmony and balance between different aspects of your life and not letting any one area consume you. In short, success is about living a life that is in alignment with your unique purpose and design, and that allows you to thrive in all areas of your life.

4. What is your favorite quote?

My favorite quote is from Theodore Roosevelt’s “Man in the Arena” speech, which states: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.”

This quote speaks to me about the importance of taking action and striving for greatness, even in the face of challenges and setbacks. It reminds me that true success comes from those who are willing to put themselves in the arena, take risks, and work hard to achieve their goals. It also highlights the importance of perseverance, even in the face of failure, and the importance of having a worthy cause to fight for.

5. What is it like to be a woman leader in the business world?

Being a female business leader in the world can be both challenging and rewarding. On one hand, women in leadership positions often face a unique set of challenges such as unconscious bias. 

On the other hand, being a female business leader also offers many opportunities and advantages. Women bring a unique perspective, skills, and leadership styles to the table, which can be valuable assets in any organization. Moreover, being a female leader can be a source of inspiration and empowerment for other women and young girls, showing them that they can also achieve success in a business world.

Overall, being a female business leader requires resilience, determination and the ability to navigate through the challenges, but it can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience. It is important to surround oneself with a supportive network, seek mentorship and sponsors, and to not give up on pursuing one’s goals.

6. How has your life changed since you started The Higher View?

Since starting The Higher View, my life has become richer in many ways. One of the most significant changes has been the relationships I have built through the business. Through the coaching, consulting and workshops that I offer, I have had the opportunity to work with a wide variety of individuals and businesses, and I have formed many strong connections with my clients. These relationships have been incredibly rewarding and have allowed me to make a meaningful impact in the lives of others.

Another way that my life has changed since starting The Higher View is in the number of women I have had the opportunity to launch as leaders. I am extremely proud of the work that I have done to empower women and support them in reaching their full potential. Through the coaching, consulting and resources that I offer, I have been able to help many women develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed in leadership roles. Seeing the positive impact that I have been able to make in the lives of so many women has been incredibly fulfilling and has made my life richer in countless ways.

Overall, starting The Higher View has brought me immense personal and professional growth and has allowed me to live a more fulfilling life by helping others to do the same.

7. What is the mission of your company?

My mission is to help women business professionals and leaders find success, balance, and fulfillment in their careers. We aim to empower women to reach their full potential and to achieve success on their own terms. We believe that every woman has the potential to be a leader and to make a meaningful impact in her field, and our goal is to provide the tools and resources to help them do just that.

To accomplish this mission, we offer a wide range of services, including coaching, consulting, workshops, and resources designed specifically for women business professionals and leaders. We work with our clients to help them develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed in their careers, while also helping them to create a sense of balance and fulfillment in their lives. We believe that by empowering women to succeed in their careers, we can also help them to create more fulfilling and meaningful lives overall.

Our mission is also to provide a platform for women to connect, collaborate and support each other in their journey as leaders. We focus on creating a community where women can share their experiences, learn from each other, and be inspired to reach their full potential.

In short, my mission is to empower women to reach their full potential and to achieve success on their own terms, while also helping them to create a sense of balance and fulfillment in their lives. We aim to make a meaningful impact in the lives of women business professionals and leaders and to help them to be fulfilled in their call.

8. What can we expect from your upcoming programs?

My programs are designed to provide individuals with the tools and resources they need to achieve success in their careers and in their lives.

Participants can expect to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their unique strengths and abilities, and to develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed in their careers. My programs are tailored to help individuals achieve their specific goals and to create a sense of balance and fulfillment in their lives.

Throughout the program, participants will be challenged to think differently, and to push themselves to achieve breakthroughs in their personal and professional lives. My programs are designed to help individuals break through limiting beliefs and to achieve new levels of success and fulfillment.

Participants can expect to be part of a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are all working towards similar goals. They will have access to resources and support that will help them to achieve their goals, including individual coaching, group coaching, and access to a community of experts.

In short, individuals can expect to experience excellence and breakthrough when joining one of my programs. The programs are designed to help individuals achieve success in their careers and in their lives, and to create a sense of balance and fulfillment.

Are You Next?

There is a time in every leader’s life when they ‘know in their knower’ that there is another level for them to break into.
But the journey to and through that breakthrough can be challenging, simply because we don’t know what we don’t know. 
This is where yo can leverage not just your time and money, but leverage MY time, money spent, and experience to exponentially speed up your process.
If that is you, and you are ready, let’s chat!